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Authorize a Combination Payment with Japanese Payment Options
This section shows you how to process an authorization of a combination bonus and
installment payments with Japanese Payment Options (JPO).
- The only supported acquirer is Sumitomo Mitsui Card Co.
- The payment must use a Visa payment card.
- You have signed a contract with your acquirer.
- You have contacted your account provider for details about contracts and funding cycles. The funding cycle could differ when using JPO.
- Card holders who want to use JPO have signed a contract with an issuing bank.
- You have confirmed payment option availability with your account provider and card holder before implementing one of these payment options.
/pts/v2/paymentsRequired Fields for Authorizing a Combination Payment Using the JPO Method
Use these required fields for authorizing a combination payment using the JPO
When relaxed requirements for address data and the expiration date are being used, not all fields
in this list are required. It is your responsibility to determine whether your
account is enabled to use this feature and which fields are required. For details
about relaxed requirements, see Relaxed Requirements for Address Data and Expiration Date in Payment Transactions.
- orderInformation.amountDetails.currency
- orderInformation.amountDetails.totalAmount
- orderInformation.billTo.address1
- orderInformation.billTo.administrativeArea
- orderInformation.billTo.country
- orderInformation.billTo.email
- orderInformation.billTo.firstName
- orderInformation.billTo.lastName
- orderInformation.billTo.locality
- orderInformation.billTo.postalCode
- paymentInformation.card.expirationMonth
- paymentInformation.card.expirationYear
- paymentInformation.card.number
- paymentInformation.card.type
- processingInformation.japanPaymentOptions.businessName
- Business name in kanji characters.
- processingInformation.japanPaymentOptions.businessNameAlphaNumeric
- processingInformation.japanPaymentOptions.businessNameKatakana
- processingInformation.japanPaymentOptions.firstBillingMonth
- processingInformation.japanPaymentOptions.installments
- Set this field to the number of monthly installments.
- processingInformation.japanPaymentOptions.paymentMethod
- Set this field to31,32,33, or34.
- processingInformation.japanPaymentOptions.terminalId
- Required for card-present transactions. Unique Japan Credit Card Association (JCCA) terminal identifier that is provided byVisa Acceptance Solutions.
REST Example: Authorizing a JPO Combination Payment
{ "orderInformation": { "billTo": { "country": "US", "lastName": "Kim", "address1": "201 S. Division St.", "postalCode": "48104-2201", "locality": "Ann Arbor", "administrativeArea": "MI", "firstName": "Kyong-Jin", "email": "" }, "amountDetails": { "totalAmount": "100.00", "currency": "jpy" } }, "paymentInformation": { "card": { "expirationYear": "2031", "number": "4111111111111111", "expirationMonth": "12", "type": "001" } }, "processingInformation": { "japanPaymentOptions": { "businessName": "我社", "businessNameAlphaNumeric": "OurStore", "businessNameKatakana": "わが社の場合", "firstBusinessMonth": "05", "installments": "12", "paymentMethod": "80" } } }
Response to a Successful Request
{ "_links" : { "authReversal" : { "method" : "POST", "href" : "/pts/v2/payments/6843585327946622203059/reversals" }, "self" : { "method" : "GET", "href" : "/pts/v2/payments/6843585327946622203059" }, "capture" : { "method" : "POST", "href" : "/pts/v2/payments/6843585327946622203059/captures" } }, "clientReferenceInformation" : { "code" : "RTS-Auth" }, "id" : "6843585327946622203059", "orderInformation" : { "invoiceDetails" : { "salesSlipNumber" : "56311" }, "amountDetails" : { "authorizedAmount" : "100", "currency" : "jpy" } }, "paymentAccountInformation" : { "card" : { "type" : "001" } }, "paymentInformation" : { "tokenizedCard" : { "type" : "001" }, "card" : { "type" : "001" } }, "processorInformation" : { "salesSlipNumber" : "56311", "approvalCode" : "123456", "cardVerification" : { "resultCode" : "3" }, "responseCategoryCode" : "000", "forwardedAcquirerCode" : "Sumitomo", "avs" : { "code" : "2" } }, "reconciliationId" : "0020230518062213000000000001", "status" : "AUTHORIZED", "submitTimeUtc" : "2023-05-17T21:22:13Z" }