Split Shipments

Split shipments enable you to split an order into multiple shipments with multiple captures. You can use this feature when a customer orders a product that is not yet available, or when one or some products are available but not all. You are able to request multiple partial captures for one authorization, multiple authorizations and one capture, or an authorization and a sale.
Visa Acceptance Solutions
provides the split shipment services for authorizations and captures. There are three scenarios and actions you can take:
  • Multiple authorizations—Request more than one authorizations; when the order is placed for the unavailable product and after the product becomes available to ship.
  • Multiple partial captures—Request an authorization, and then request multiple partial captures for the amount of the products you ship. When the remaining product becomes available, ship it and request another capture.
  • Multiple authorizations with multiple partial captures—Request more than one authorizations and captures when all the products in the order are not available for immediate shipment. After the other products become available, request another authorization, and then a capture when you ship the remaining product.

How Split Shipments Transactions are Linked

All transactions for a split shipment are linked together in the
Business Center
and in reports. When you split an order into multiple shipments with multiple partial captures,
Visa Acceptance Solutions
requests the additional authorizations for you.

Obtaining the Status of a System-Generated Authorization

A system-generated authorization is not performed in real time. The response message that you receive indicates that the request was received, not whether it was approved or declined.
A system-generated authorization can be declined for the same reasons that a regular authorization can be declined.
Visa Acceptance Solutions
recommends you use one of following methods to obtain the status of the system-generated authorization request before shipping the product:
  • Business Center
    —Use the capture request ID to search for the follow-on capture. The details for all related transactions are displayed on the
    Transaction Details
    page. It can take a maximum of 6 hours for the status of the system-generated authorization request to be available.
  • Transaction Detail API—You must use version 1.3 or later of the report and include the parameter
    in your query. It can take a maximum of 6 hours for the status of the system-generated authorization request to be available.
  • Transaction Exception Detail Report—
    Visa Acceptance Solutions
    recommends you use this report on a daily basis to identify transactions that were declined.

Additional Authorizations

When you need an additional authorization for an order, you can use the
field to link follow-on authorizations to the original authorization in addition to the basic fields required for every authorization request. The follow-on authorization is linked to the original authorization in the
Business Center
and in reports. The captures for these authorizations are also linked to the original authorization in the
Business Center
and in reports.
For an additional authorization on a processor that supports merchant-initiated transactions, the authorization request must include the subsequent authorization fields that are required for merchant-initiated transactions.

Additional Captures

When you need an additional capture for an order,
Visa Acceptance Solutions
performs a system-generated authorization for additional capture requests using the payment data from the original authorization. The system-generated authorization is linked to the original authorization in the
Business Center
and in reports. The captures are linked to the authorizations in the
Business Center
and in reports through the request IDs as with any capture.

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