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Mass Transit Visa Deferred Sale with a Token
This section describes how to process a Visa deferred sale.
A sale transaction is a bundled authorization and capture. At the end of the travel
period, request a Visa deferred sale with a token for an aggregated payment.
/pts/v2/paymentsRequired Fields for a Visa Deferred Sale with a Token Using the REST API
- clientReferenceInformation.partner.thirdPartyCertificationNumber
- clientReferenceInformation.transactionId
- orderInformation.amountDetails.currency
- orderInformation.amountDetails.totalAmount
- pointOfSaleInformation.catLevel
- Set this field to2.
- pointOfSaleInformation.entryMode
- Set this field tocontactless.
- pointOfSaleInformation.terminalCapability
- Set this field to5.
- pointOfSaleInformation.terminalId
- pointOfSaleInformation.terminalPinCapability
- Set this field to0.
- processingInformation.authorizationOptions.aggregatedAuthIndicator
- Set this field totrue.
- processingInformation.authorizationOptions.deferredAuthIndicator
- Set this field totrue.
- processingInformation.capture
- Set this field totrue.
- processingInformation.captureOptions.dateToCapture
- processingInformation.commerceIndicator
- Set this field toretail.
- processingInformation.industryDataType
- Set this field totransit.
- processingInformation.reconciliationId
- tokenInformation.jti
Example: Performing a Visa Deferred Sale with a Token Using the REST API
{ "clientReferenceInformation": { "transactionId": "21987654321", "partner": { "thirdPartyCertificationNumber": "123456789012" } }, "processingInformation": { "industryDataType": "transit", "reconciliationId": "fgssgsgsgsfg", "captureOptions": { "dateToCapture": "0325" }, "capture": "true", "processingInformation.commerceIndicator" : "retail", "authorizationOptions": { "deferredAuthIndicator": "true", "aggregatedAuthIndicator": "true" } }, "orderInformation": { "amountDetails": { "totalAmount": "300.00", "currency": "THB" } }, "tokenInformation": { "jti": "a76392f4-cde4-97aa-1111-0242ac14c005" }, "pointOfSaleInformation": { "terminalId": "12345678", "catLevel": "2", "entryMode": "contactless", "terminalCapability": "5", "terminalPinCapability": "0" } }
Response to a Successful Request
{ "_links": { "void": { "method": "POST", "href": "/pts/v2/payments/6482303624466600104004/voids" }, "self": { "method": "GET", "href": "/pts/v2/payments/6482303624466600104004" } }, "clientReferenceInformation": { "code": "testcode1012", "transactionId": "21987654321" }, "id": "6482303624466600104004", "orderInformation": { "amountDetails": { "totalAmount": "300.00", "authorizedAmount": "300.00", "currency": "THB" } }, "paymentAccountInformation": { "card": { "type": "001" } }, "paymentInformation": { "tokenizedCard": { "type": "001" }, "card": { "type": "001" } }, "processorInformation": { "systemTraceAuditNumber": "191328", "approvalCode": "831000", "merchantAdvice": { "code": "01", "codeRaw": "M001" }, "responseDetails": "ABC", "networktransactionId": "016153570198200", "consumerAuthenticationResponse": { "code": "2", "codeRaw": "2" }, "transactionId": "016153570198200", "responseCode": "00", "avs": { "code": "Y", "codeRaw": "Y" } }, "reconciliationId": "fgssgsgsgsfg", "status": "AUTHORIZED", "submitTimeUtc": "2022-03-25T17:46:02Z" }