Performing a Sale with On-Reader Tipping

This section describes how to perform a sale with on-reader tipping. At the start of each transaction, the terminal prompts the customer to add a tip by showing suggested tip amounts. The customer selects or enters a tip amount on the terminal before presenting their payment card.
Follow these steps to perform a sale with on-reader tipping:
  1. Create a
    object and provide the required information for the payment.
  2. Create a
    object to configure the tipping function. The options are percentage choice, tip amount, or total amount.
  3. Create a
    object to add the tipping step.
  4. Retrieve the
    from the
    object and use the
    method to initiate the transaction flow.
    val transactionParameters = TransactionParameters.Builder() .charge(BigDecimal("1.00"), Currency.EUR) .customIdentifier("yourReferenceForTheTransaction") .build() // Use to display three tipping percentage choices val tipStep = TippingProcessStepParameters.Builder() .askForPercentageChoice() // Optional to configure tipping percentages | Default values = 10, 15, 20 // .percentages(BigDecimal("10"), BigDecimal("20"), BigDecimal("30")) // Optional to show confirmation screen // .showTotalAmountConfirmationScreen(true) .build() // Use to ask for tip amount // val tipStep = TippingProcessStepParameters.Builder() // .askForTipAmount() // Optional to show confirmation screen // .showTotalAmountConfirmationScreen(true) // .build() // Use to ask for total transaction amount including tip // val tipStep = TippingProcessStepParameters.Builder() // .askForTotalAmount() // Optional to show confirmation screen // .showTotalAmountConfirmationScreen(true) // .build() val processParameters = TransactionProcessParameters.Builder() .addStep(tipStep) .build() val transactionIntent = mposUi.createTransactionIntent(transactionParameters, processParameters) startActivityForResult(transactionIntent, MposUi.REQUEST_CODE_PAYMENT)
  5. After the transaction is completed and the Summary screen is dismissed,
    is triggered. This action returns information about the last transaction.
    Override fun onActivityResult(requestCode: Int, resultCode: Int, data: Intent?) { super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data) if (requestCode == MposUi.REQUEST_CODE_PAYMENT) { when (resultCode) { // Result code from a successful transaction MposUi.RESULT_CODE_APPROVED -> { val transactionIdentifier = data?.getStringExtra(MposUi.RESULT_EXTRA_TRANSACTION_IDENTIFIER) Toast.makeText(findViewById(,"Transaction approved!\nIdentifier: $transactionIdentifier", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show() } // Result code from a declined, aborted or failed transaction MposUi.RESULT_CODE_FAILED -> { Toast.makeText(findViewById(, “Transaction was declined, aborted, or failed”, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show() } } } }