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Notification Format
Each event notification contains headers and the body of the message.
Notification Headers
These headers are sent with every notification. Some headers are duplicates of the fields in
the body.
- V-C-signature
- Contains the digital signature, which can be used for validating the security of the notification.
- V-C-event-type
- Type of event that generated the notification.
- V-C-organization-id
- Identifier of the organization that subscribed to the notification.
- V-C-product-name
- Name of the product for which the event occurred.
- V-C-request-type
- New or retry.
- V-C-retry-count
- Number of times the notification was resent.
- V-C-transaction-trace-id
- Identifier of the notification attempt. For example, every time a notification is retried, each attempt has a different transaction trace ID and the same notification ID.
- v-c-webhook-id
- Identifier of the webhook subscription that generated the notification.
Notification Body
The body of the message contains fields associated with the notification itself and the
payload of the event that generated the notification.
- webhookId
- Identifier of the webhook subscription that generated the notification.
- transactionTraceId
- Identifier of the notification attempt. For example, every time a notification is retried, each attempt has a different transaction trace ID and the same webhook ID.
- productId
- Identifier of the product that generated the event.
- organizationId
- Identifier of the organization that subscribed to the notification.
- eventType
- The type of event that generated the notification.
- eventDate
- Timestamp of the event.
- payload
- The data generated by the event.
- requestType
- New or retry.
Example: Notification Payload
Invoicing Webhook Notification
POST /test HTTP/1.1 Host: invoicetest.example.com Content-Length: 1647 Content-Type: application/json User-Agent: Vert.x-WebClient/3.9.8 V-C-Event-Type: invoicing.customer.invoice.send V-C-Organization-Id: invoicetest V-C-Product-Name: customerInvoicing V-C-Request-Type: NEW V-C-Retry-Count: 0 V-C-Signature: t=168506218354;keyId=facdaf45-db00-233c-e053-5a588d0a743a;sig=kJgSHwHrRgUmXJdaSSqtPVzOTMlV3SW90WAFIfPj4XA= V-C-Transaction-Trace-Id: 8c01a8e9b3334d19528d9b69a21fe797ebaf8dd3dee52f422dd699af26bd866-0 V-C-Webhook-Id: fc8a9385-723e8e28-e053-a2588e0a536d { "notificationId":"fc8f1cae-1232-5dd-e053-a0588e0a5eeb", "retryNumber":0, "eventType":"invoicing.customer.invoice.send", "eventDate":"2023-05-25T17:49:40.309-07:00", "webhookId":"fc8a9385-723e-8e28-e053-a2588e0a536d", "payloads":[ { "data":{ "merchantZip":"12345", "thankYou":"Thank you for your business!", "subject":"You've received an invoice 202203789 from Company, Inc.", "dueDate":"2023-05-25", "link":"Click the link below to view and pay the invoice.", "body":"You have a new invoice from Company, Inc. for 102.00 ALL due on 2023-05-25.", "merchantState":"OH", "merchantName":"Company, Inc.", "button":"VIEW AND PAY INVOICE", "invoiceBalance":"102.00", "merchantAddress2":" ", "invoiceNumber":"20220389", "payerName":"Firstname Lastname", "customMessage":"Thank you for your business. By clicking the view and pay invoice you agree to the terms and conditions here: https://paymenttermsandconditions.example.com", "currency":"ALL", "merchantCity":"Placeville", "emailTo":"[email protected]", "eventType":"invoicing.customer.invoice.send", "balanceAmount":"102.00", "organizationID":"invoicetest", "merchantPhone":"321-321-3211", "emailLanguage":"en-us", "invoiceUrl":"https://businesscentertest.visaacceptance.com/ebc2/invoicing/payInvoice/u2wJqUKII4FsqtIrZx51lUuvYr5Msz23nqIx12xqJhs7wqT6Th2mJcDOYHSC5hE?version=v2.1", "merchantAddress":"39 E. Road St", "correlationID":"dceb3ce-d787-453c-84a3-ce33b141cc76", "hello":"Hello Person," }, "preferences":{ "contacts":[ { "firstName":"Invoicing", "lastName":"Email", "contact":"[email protected]", "type":"EMAIL" } ] }, "organizationId":"invoicetest", "metadata":{ "from.displayName":"Company, Inc.", "reply.email":"[email protected]", "sentBy":"Invoice" } } ] }