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Use Case: Setting Up Device Data Collection When Using a
Tokenized Card
Running the Setup service identifies the customer's bank and prepares for collecting data
about the device that the customer is using to place the order. In this use case, a
tokenized card is used instead of the payment card data.
Card-Specific Requirements
Some payment cards require specific information to be collected during a
- This field is required when the card type is Cartes Bancaires, JCB, UPI, or Meeza.
Country-Specific Requirements
These fields are required for transactions in specific countries.
- For Meeza transactions, this value must be set toEGwhen Egypt is not set as the country in merchant configuration during merchant onboarding.
- This field is required for transactions in the US and Canada.
- This field is required when theorderInformation.billTo.countryfield value isUSorCA.
- For Meeza transactions, this value must be set toEGwhen Egypt is not set as the country in merchant configuration during merchant onboarding.
/risk/v1/authentication-setupsRequired Fields When Setting Up Device Data Collection
Using a Tokenized Card
These fields are the minimum fields required when you request the Payer Authentication Setup
service while using a tokenized card. Other fields that are required during Setup
service are listed in the Required
Fields for Collecting Device Data.
REST Example: Setting Up Device Data Collection When Using a Tokenized Card
{ "paymentInformation": { "tokenizedCard": { "transactionType": "1", "type": "001", "expirationMonth": "11", "expirationYear": "2025", "number": "4111111111111111" } } }
Response to a Successful Request
{ "clientReferenceInformation": { "code": "1725450205426" }, "consumerAuthenticationInformation": { "accessToken": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJqdGkiOiJlOGI4ODk5Ny1iYzY2LTRkYTEtOTYyNi1iNTc3MTlhNTczNzAiLCJpYXQiOjE3MjU0NTAyMDUsImlzcyI6IjVkZDgzYmYwMGU0MjNkMTQ5OGRjYmFjYSIsImV4cCI6MTcyNTQ1MzgwNSwiT3JnVW5pdElkIjoiNWI5YzRiYjNmZjYyNmIxMzQ0ODEwYTAxIiwiUmVmZXJlbmNlSWQiOiJiYmY4YzU3NS01NjRiLTQzYWYtOGI1Yy0yODdiNmU2ZWM4OGYifQ.UVNLUVmFJKwFxIO1prb5hpaKRR5WRI3esl0UnRg37Fg", "deviceDataCollectionUrl": "https://centinelapistag.cardinalcommerce.com/V1/Cruise/Collect", "referenceId": "bbf8c575-564b-43af-8b5c-287b6e6ec88f", "token": "AxizbwSTiURwrn44LBakABEBTyDYGB7gAhMQyaSZejFczCmAmAAAzghh" }, "id": "7254502054416956004004", "status": "COMPLETED", "submitTimeUtc": "2024-09-04T11:43:25Z" }